Glass Processing focuses on practical, production-related issues for the benefits of Russian glass processing companies. The magazine is fully devoted to machines, materials and technologies for glass processing and reaches technical, production and research personnel responsible for the management and operation of industrial-scale glass processing facilities. It is regular digest of new equipment and description of the original technological solutions.
Qualified circulation
Glass processing and glass trading companies in Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, and other Russian-speaking area (CIS, Caucasus region and Baltic states). Suppliers of construction, furniture, architectural and automotive markets. Representatives of foreign companies, service firms, machine and plant import/export companies, state industry planning and programming authorities, glass manufacturers’ associations.
Readers profile
Presidents/Owners, managing and technical directors, technologists, plant directors.
Standard method of despatch
Direct mail for all companies and trading organizations. Issue also distributes through glass industry exhibitions and conferences.
Total circulation per issue
2 000 copies