GlassRussia focuses on practical, production-related issues for the benefits of Russian glassmakers. The magazine is published six times a year and reaches technical, production and research personnel responsible for the management and operation of industrial-scale glass manufacturing and processing facilities.
Main topics
Glass Russia covers production, technologies and products regarding glass industry. Glass Russia is a monthly periodical covering world business and product news, technical articles and dossiers, worldwide exhibitions etc.
Qualified circulation
Primary and secondary glass manufacturers (in Russia and CIS), representatives of foreign companies, all glass industry suppliers, service and consultancy firms, machine and plant importexport companies, state industry planning and programming authorities, research Institutes, laboratories, universities, glass manufacturers’ associations, trading companies.
Reader's profile
Presidents/Owners, managing directors, chief buyers, technical/plant directors, marketing and sales managers.
Standard method of despatch
Direct mail for all companies and trading organizations. Issue also distributes at glass industry exhibitions and conferences.
Total circulation per issue
2 500 copies
Editorial calendar
Number | 1/2025 |
2/2025 |
3/2025 |
4/2025 |
5/2025 |
6/2025 |
Issue Date |
03.02 |
11.03 | 20.05 | 04.07 | 10.09 | 17.11 |
Deadline |
20.01 |
24.02 | 05.05 | 23.06 | 25.08 | 10.11 |